Lewes - Breaky Bottom - Undercliff Walk - Brighton Marina
This is a long, one way, 9 mile (15Km) walk from Lewes to Brighton with an elevation of 160m, which will take you over three hours to complete. There are quicker ways to walk between the two but this gets you up onto the Downs and ends with a walk along Undercliff Walk. On reaching the Marina there are plenty of refreshment areas. From there, take the frequent no7 bus to the centre of Brighton and find the Old Stein bus stop for the 28/29 bus to get back to Lewes. Alternatively park your car in the free car park in the Marina and take the public transport to Lewes first.
Start at Cockshut Road car park near the Priory BN7 1JH. Buses go along Southover High street.
1Grid ref: TQ 41230 09420 N50.86698 E0.00564
From the car park, walk towards the main road high above you and find the tunnel that goes underneath.
2 Grid ref: TQ 41140 09321 N50.86610 E0.00432
Once through the tunnel, go through the small gate and follow the footpath sign straight ahead across the small field to the next gate.
3 Grid ref: TQ 41100 09256 N50.86553 E0.00373
After this gate, turn sharp right up a little mound and walk alongside the large drainage ditch on your right. Walk to the end of the ditch and over the stile. (NB: some OS maps show this path on the other side of the ditch).
4 Grid ref: TQ 40460 08890 N50.86240 W0.00550
As the path nears the road bear left, away from the road, towards a gate in the hedge. From here it's essentially straight on to Iford: passing the sewage farm, doing a quick right and left on a lane and, shortly afterwards, bearing left where a path goes off towards the road.
5 Grid ref: TQ 40530 07341 N50.84846 W0.00510
Walking past Iford involves two road crossings and a number of stiles, just follow the signs. At the other end of Iford, the path sweeps round to join the main road at Northease.
6 Grid ref: TQ 41130 06590 N50.84157 E0.00313
Over the road, turn right and take the lane on your left up towards North Ease Farm and Breaky Bottom Winery.
7 Grid ref: TQ 40570 05436 N50.83133 W0.00526
At the fork take the right-hand lane, not the route down to Breaky Bottom. Carry on, down and up again, to the end of the lane.
8 Grid ref: TQ 40010 05052 N50.82802 W0.01336
At the end of the lane the area is rather featureless with no footpath signs and, unusually, the OS map is of little help. The important thing here is to turn right and upwards immediately on going through the gate at the end of the lane. There you will cross a stile, from which a faint path will be visible climbing straight up the slope ahead. Up you go. It can get a bit blowy up here.
9 Grid ref: TQ 39320 04710 N50.82511 W0.02328
Over the crest of the hill there's a T-junction with a marked footpath along a dirt track with views of Rottingdean below. Turn left here and carry on along the Telsombe Tye ridge. ignoring the branch paths and eventually head towards a small, enclosed reservoir, which you pass on your right.
10 Grid ref: TQ 39910 03280 N50.81211 W0.01545
Shortly after the reservoir there is a turreted house on your right. Turn left, away from the house, onto its drive.
11 Grid ref: TQ 40310 03100 N50.81040 W0.00985
A short distance downhill you come to the road down to the isolated village of Telscombe. To your right (directing away from the village) there are two signs for bridleways (as well as one for the way you've just come). Take the rightmost bridleway, along the partially tarmacked lane that is essentially the continuation of the road from the village and march along all the way to the A259 and the coast. At the A259 cross over and turn right on the grass bank on the other side, past the obelisk and down the hill.
12 Grid ref: TQ 38670 01690 N50.79812 W0.03364
At the bottom of the hill near the public toilets you will be able to access the concreted Undercliff Walk, which you can then follow all the way to Brighton Marina.
Breaky Bottom Winery produces top-level English wines, including award-winning Seyval Blank. The owner Peter Hall will be happy to show you around and arrange a tasting session with a little notice; telephone 01273-476427.
Undercliff Walk is set on coastal defences built in the 1930s to protect the cliffs (and the A259) and has recently been the subject of extensive restoration. It is a fine easy stroll, though blustery weather can result in having to dodge the spray. There are two gaps at Rottingdean and Ovingdean, where there are all the usual facilities, though frequently rather spoilt by heavy traffic.
There's plenty to do and see at the Marina, including restaurants, 10 pin bowling and a cinema.